Polka Dot Beamsplitters - Unrivaled Broadband Performance
By employing a patented UV coating process, Acton Optics can provide broadband beamsplitter performance down to 120 nm, depending on the coating and substrate selected. Standard UV-NIR broadband polka-dot beamsplitters that offer performance from 190 nm to 2.5 µm via the Acton #1900 coating process are also available. Learn more
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Acton Optics introduces new UV-NIR neutral density filters that offer unmatched broadband performance. Acton Optics introduces new UV-NIR neutral density filters that offer unmatched broadband performance. Patented UV coating processes extend ND filter performance down to 190 nm. 美国节点的加速器
Acton Optics & Coatings is ISO 9001:2008 certified and maintains the commitment to meet each customer’s specific requirements through the continuous improvement of our quality management system. Further, our rigorous process control provides world-class, batch-to-batch repeatability - a must for OEM customers. About Acton Optics.